Ramblings of a dynamic mind


I need another me

You heard me. I need another me. I was up until 12:30 this morning working on curriculum for my 2nd period class before I realized that drooling on the keyboard wasn't getting anoyone any closer to a proper education so I packed it in.
I woke up at 6:00, showered and got right back to work. Got to school, worked on stuff until 2nd period, taught, observed 3rd period, then prepped for 5th and 6th periods nonstop. Finished preparation at the late bell for 5th period. Imagine my surprise when only 3 out of 16 students showed up. Bah.
Well, one of the three had an early dismissal, which left 2 students, Kionna and Shianne. And we had an impromptu lesson on human genetics, inheritance, and the like. It was splendiferous. Really. It was fun to connect and answer real questions that required me to pull on knowledge I'd not used in some time and actually had a delightful time thinking hard about stuff.


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