Ramblings of a dynamic mind


It went sisssssssssssss...

Bummer. Got my cool weather gear on for the morning commute, loaded pack on bike, and -gribbit-, my rear tire was flat. Remove wheel (Deore Quick releases, yay), start working tire off. Fight with tire. Pull fingernails mildly (i should cut those). Swear under breath. Get son warm Grape Nuts. Work on wheel some more. Use screwdriver like they say you shouldn't to pry wire bead from rim... put honey on son's Grape Nuts. Fight with tire some more. Finally remove tire and tube. Get new tube, put in tire, put on rim in about 10 seconds.

Ponder briefly why it was so horribly easy to get it back on, as opposed to remove it (with that faraway, visionary look).

Inflate tire, load up bike, and go. =

Turns out, I should mention, that the cause of the flat was a pieve of -bone- from some unfortunate animal. Glass, sure. Steel, absolutely. But bone?

Guess our ancestors knew what to make simple tools from after all.


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