Ramblings of a dynamic mind


Well a happy holiday to all. I say holiday only because of my own convictions, my wife and family will wish all a Merry Christmas.

Here's a copy of our holiday card sent to quite a number of people, but many deserving folks may not receive one. Were your naughty? While that may be the case it's not really my business. Suffice it to say, all can gaze upon the only semi-adulterated composite image to right and rejoice in the splendor of ... that stuff ... that should be ... um, rejoiced in.

We bailed on the construction status yestyerday, and after a furious bout of vacuuming and reorganizing, all traces of hammers, drills, and other implements of constructive doom have been wiped clean. We've hung up the tool belt until the new year and will be resuming construction, on a less invasive scale, sometime the day after Christmas.

Happy Holidays. =)


Supplemental Blog...

Been busy but keep thinking that I really should post something. Have wanted to a couple of times but continually forget my username. Bugger.

Anyhoo, news of late includes the demolition of the downstairs of the house and it's current rebuilding.

Cubic Snowman
On a drive through Lawrenceville the other day I passed by a beautifully constructed cubic snowman. Kudos to the sculptor.